Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Post 1: All about (the one and only) Jonathan Plotkin

My background with this topic is largely non-academic, by which I mean I watched a lot of documentaries about futuristic structures when I was growing up (instead of playing outside like a normal kid). The concepts as a whole are more interesting to me to learn about and I've never taken the time to dedicate myself to intense research on the topic in order to actually building something interesting on my own. However, I hope that I can take the time this term to start reading more about some hard numbers on various topics pertinent to intelligent buildings, specifically on the idea of smart houses, or integrated systems (like the Nest thermostat, or wifi linked LED lights). Buildings with such systems in place are what I would classify as "intelligent", in which all the building systems work together in a way that enhances the overall performance and experience. Kind of like the house in that one Simpsons Halloween special, only not homicidal and voiced by Pierce Brosnan.

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