Tuesday, January 13, 2015

B1 Group A - Zilong Xiao Week 2 Post

In order to finish this task, I have read lots of blog posts regarding futuristic vision based on the technology development human have so far. I have read many of them describing the feasibility that the remote control and database restoring personal interfaces in the near future. In reflect to the intelligent building topic, this will be a very important technique. Imagine people could control every household appliances away from home, warm-up time for the AC to run the house at their designated temperature will no longer be a pain. Likewise for a bathtub filled with hot water and a coffeemaker with brewed coffee ready. Everything can be remotely accessed as long as they are connected to power. In the post “Samsung at CES 2015: How enterprise fits it in with Internet-of-Things”, Samsung CEO was targeting to equip the Samsung products with ability to connected home, just like what people envisioned as above. This “Internet-of-Things” trend will be a continuous interest due to its convenience benefiting humans.

Computer is definitely the most useful tool and invention that human ever created in my opinions. It started the era that human can hand over heavy load of computation handling to high-efficient machines and shorten the speed of the evolution that should have followed. The first idea of computer came up by Alan Turing and he strived to create a machine that will encrypt all codes from Nazis that people should have killed 24 hours to translate. Ultimately, we are hoping that some machines would be able to take over various heavy-duty work along with the development of technology and we can enjoy the life more. The end result will be an artificial intelligence to adapt itself to different tasks. This requires a very alike algorithm as human brain or else it could not think and update its knowledge. However, Doctor Andrew Ng are now making this happen. He discovered that there was one single algorithm dominating human’s learning process as opposed to the belief that “human intelligence was derived from thousands of simple agents working in concert”. This would be a milestone since there could finally be one single system that explains human brain activities and all scientists should do is to sort it out.

With the blooming cloud techniques from various producers, the shared devices and software are become realistic. Often time, we are confused by re-setting up the interface when user switch to other device. However, with the development in cloud technique, all of data that user has in his/her personal device can be able to obtained when passively logging in other device with biological authentication. In the post “Shared devices as the future – Moveable interface”, the author envisioned the world with all shareable devices that you can havea system where you don’t buy physical devices but instead subscribe to a service that provides access to interfaces tailored to each environment, everywhere you go”.  This provides a picture that people no longer need to commit to one device for a long period (given the fact that nowadays personal device are expensive too, i.e. Iphone), and people have access to personal data without restriction to shortage of power and deadweight of laptops. In a sentence to conclude, I love the convenience that it can bring but we will then start to worry about personal privacy might leak regarding the fact that sharing data are now accessible everywhere.

Artificial Intelligence
AI is a trend that will bring human so much of benefits. It will calculate the most complex mathematic problem and solve for any logical problem in seconds that will take humans up to years. It will serve as a most intelligent servant for human that can literally replace humans’ role in making hard decision. Can it rationally replace human’s role though? According to Stephen Hawking in the post “Stephen Hawking warns artificial intelligence could end mankind”, his worry about AI would take over human’s work gradually due to human’s slow biological evolution. However, my statement regarding this issue is not as gloomy as Stephen Hawking. Given the inherent superior ability on computing, AI lacks the emotion that comes along with humanity. This is the shortage yet overcomes a lot of problems and creates miracles. Aside from the irreplaceable role that human has, we should continue on educating ourselves and next generation so ultimately we have the knowledge of creating machines and also know how to control them.  

Samsung at CES 2015: How enterprise fits it in with Internet-of-Things
The Man behind the Google Brain: Andrew Ng and the Quest for the New AI
Shared devices as the future – Moveable interface

Stephen Hawking warns artificial intelligence could end mankind

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