Monday, January 26, 2015

B3 - Week 4 - Future Advantages of BIM/Revit - Ami Amegan

What are the possible future advantages of Revit/BIM?

As design methods are evolving, it is necessary to conclude that Revit/BIM will evolve as well. The main benefit to BIM is its accurate geometrical representation of the parts of a building in an integrated data environment. Below are a few possible advantages to Revit/BIM in the future include but not limited to:

  • Thanks to the ability to make quick Changes to Design and the idea of no repetitive tasks, the amount of time spent on projects will be reduced drastically.  During the design phase, the building structure and floor plans needed to be modified often. With Revit, designing and drafting becomes very fast and accurate.
  • Revit will assure a high quality construction documents. From experience, the 3D modeling capacity of Revit enables designers and drafters to easily identify clashes and areas of cramming, and resolve them early in the process. This results in mistake free and therefore will reduce delays in construction.
  • BIM will help provide better customer service to clients: proposals will be better understood if visually displayed through drawings and 3D models.
  •  In 2007, researches have proven that BIM will generate benefits such as:

1.    Up to 40% elimination of unbudgeted change.
2.    Cost estimation accuracy within 3%.
3.    Up to 80% reduction in time taken to generate cost estimate.
4.    A savings of up to 10% of the contract value through clash detections.
5.    Up to 7% reduction in project time.
These numbers were generated back in 2007. With technology being as advanced as it is nowadays and looking at a project to the future, I believe these numbers will increase.

The advantages do not just end at what it is cited. I believe with Autodesk improving their software and coming up with new versions every year, the advantages will increase accordingly. 

Responses to Groupmates:

Anthony: I noticed how you referred to the previous assignment and related BIM to owners. And I also notice how you mentioned how BIM will profit designers. So my question is, in your opinion, who would it benefit more? Designers or Owners?

The third bullet of my post is indeed something that is already taken place. All I was trying to say is that in the future, the customer service will be even better, as in the percentage of satisfied clients will increase. I believe that the 3D renderings using BIM will be better in the future, therefore will allow designers and drafters to show their clients a better proposal. 

I have to admit that I didn't really think of Revit being the main and crucial determinant of how companies will get jobs in the future until I read your post. Indeed from the chapter that we read in the BIM Handbook, I can see how owners will demand that designers are BIM/Revit expert or that it is integrated in their design. This could lead to companies that do not use Revit not getting as many customers, in the future. Therefore everyone has to find a way to use Revit. 

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