Tuesday, January 13, 2015

B1 post - Week 2 - Group E - Bradanini

A database can be defined as an organized collection of data. Using an analogy between machines and humans, a database could be considered for machines the same as memory is for humans. In the article by Tom Simonite “2014 in Computing: Breakthroughs in Artificial Intelligence”, it explained how research is moving forward to develop systems, usually called database management systems, that are able to search and analyse databases and to interact with the users, coming closer into mimicking human intelligence. The main research companies in the world are working hard to create these kind of software that can learn from data. In buildings this could have a lot of different applications, one of them could be home automation. It could allow buildings to understand the surrounding environment and the user’s habits in order to provide for example a comfortable indoor environment and climate optimizing the energy consumption, without no need of settings by users.

A network is a collection of terminal nodes, links and intermediate nodes, which are connected so as to enable telecommunication between these terminals. There are different kind of network such as data network, social network etc. For example internet is a network, where computers, databases and users are connected together. In some buildings, networks are already used to control several functions like lighting, heating, security and many others. These home automation systems have a central unit that is often connected to internet or to phones in order to let the users to control them from distance. Other smart-home systems use several Bluetooth devices to form a mesh network. This case is presented in the article “The Zuli Smartplug shrinks geo-fencing to room-fencing, for precision control of your home lighting system”. The California based company Zuli developed a smart plug that uses low energy Bluetooth to form a mesh network. This is a relatively new idea in smart-home systems, because most of them rely on a central hub to manage home devices. As said in the article mesh network is becoming more and more popular because each node in the network can relay information to all other nodes within his range. 

Technology progress has a great impact on sociology and human behaviour. Last week, in class, we discuss the problems due to the possibility of having robots building houses instead of humans and how it can be critical in terms of unemployment. Obviously the progress in technology must move forward together with progress in society but it doesn’t seems to happen right now. Another issue that is important to discuss is when robots have to make an ethical decision. This argument is pretty well discussed in the article “Death by Robot”. In this article some hypothetic situations are analysed in order to give example of conflicts where robot have to choose if making something that can bring to the death of an human. In the conclusion it is said that “experts tends to be optimistic about robots’ ethical prospects” and someday a robot’s behaviour will be indistinguishable from a human’s or maybe even more morally consistent. I totally agree with this opinion, but before we will reach this point, probably many unfortunate events caused by robots can happen.

Nobody can be sure of what technology progress will lead to in the next decades. I believe that one of the most important topics that building designers have to deal with is sustainability, therefore energy consumption and carbon footprint. Technology progress could bring many advantages in this field. In the future, Smart home automation will be able to optimize the energy consumption of the houses near to zero better than humans can do, increasing as well the level of comfort and safety. Having access to cloud databases, it could be able to improve the building system simultaneously to technological breakthroughs. Maybe buildings will be not static as they are now but able to upgrade themselves without any human labour.

Simonite, Tom. “2014 in Computing: Breakthroughs in Artificial Intelligence.” MIT Technology Review, 29 Dec. 2014.
Marantz Henig, Robin. “Death by Robot.” Page MM16, Sunday Magazine, 11 Jan. 2015

Brown, Michael. “The Zuli Smartplug shrinks geo-fencing to room-fencing, for precision control of your home lighting system.” techhive.com, 8 Oct. 2014 

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