Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Week 2, Group C Blog post - Jonathan Yu-sen Liu

AE 510 – Assignment 1 Blog Post
Group C

Topics discussed in class:
                In Class, students discussed the meaning of intelligent technology and how they are applied into modern infrastructure. A video Professor Mitchell had shown to the class demonstrates humans who have programmed quad copter drones to carry and place building blocks to form a structure. Students in the class believed that this type of technology represents one of the most modern and wide spread form of technological intelligence that can be easily applied into architectural infrastructure.

The Robotification of Society is Coming
[Shared Evernote Notes]

                The concept of "Robotification" has been in effect for quite a while where machines are completing human tasks with higher accuracy and efficiency. This article also adds the question "Are robots going to take my job?".  Although the replacement of human labor with mechanical muscle, this makes lives easier for humans and changes the economic industry. Baxter, a learning robot, is programmed to learn from human actions and mimic them. In the video, "Humans need not apply", the presenter shows the many different types of modern technology that can one day easily replace human labor and job. Like that of the horses back in the early 20th century, automobiles put the horses out of commission without any fault from the horses since they just could not be used. The video explains the importance of economics and how effective it is when battling against the working population. Although workers and laborers may lose jobs and the ability to contribute a large portion to the development of the human world, I don't think that that will cause humans to die out. I believe that there will be more jobs available to humans after the roboticization of jobs. I also think that there will be some benefits that are not yet clear to us yet. There may be the possibility that we may become those robots or integrate robotics into humans physically. 

What Artificial Intelligence is not.

                This article addresses the many different misconceptions or concerns that many popular ideas have come across. Some for example include a "omnipresent war machine" destined to destroy human advancement like HAL9000 and Skynet. This article illustrates a different perspective towards the complexity and advancement of Artificial intelligence. Although there are still a large amount of debate within the scientific community, the concept that AI will wipe out human existence is certainly not part of it. AI is defined within this article as a system capable of accomplishing tasks that are otherwise preformed by humans with higher accuracy and performance. I agree with the concept that AI may not be a threat to human existence. There are many concerns that the modern populous has but I don't think the we are at a point yet that we need to recognize robots as a living entity that will feel threatened by our existence. AI advancement may actually increase the benefit of humans with the use of higher efficiency. 

3D Printing:
The Internet of Anything: The 3-D Printer that can spin out custom electronics.
[Shared Evernote Notes]

                3D Electronics is the newest form of 3d Printing. Circuitry in a physical from has been developed and has been integrated into mechanical systems with the use of conductive ink. An example for this new form of technology includes a 3D Printed quad copter with complete functions right after printing was completed. This form of technology can advance into something that will make design and production more efficient and advanced. I think that 3d printing is still in it's infant stage and that there it will require much more improvement to be able to have a large impact in the advancement of our world. Accomplishments such as printing a functioning heart or human organ is a enormous step towards technological advancement. I think 3D printing can help with specific and complex situations.

Google Tracker 2015: Everything we know Google is working on for the new year.
[Shared Evernote Notes]

                This article lists the many goals that Google has in store for the near future. From things such as home automation to improvements to the self driving cars. Nest is Google's Home automation division, originally a smart smoke detector, that has plans to expand to become even greater. Nest plans to expand to become a smart thermostat that can control and adapt to different situations such as alarms, automated temperature change based on when the homeowner is asleep or away from home.  One example the  new Nest  system is being able to detect when the home owner is on his or her way home and preheat the house temperature accordingly so that when the owner arrives, the temperature will be at the optimum comfort.  This long list of goals from Google is another step into the future as a collection of many things that have a great technological potential. I enjoyed this article because it showed the many different possiblities that technological advancement may occur. I think that this kind of advancement is amazing and it is wonderful to see what an individual or a team can accomplish. 

To Kevin Saldivar:

At first, I agree with you about your comment that 3D printing wouldn't be very effective in our modern world since the assembly line and cheap manufacturing is so easily accessible. But I recently came across an article about 3D printing circuits while printing an physical object at the same time. The integration of electronics into 3D printed objects seems much faster and prototypes can be easily made quickly and efficiently. 3D printing seems very arbitrary when mass production but when it comes to design and prototypes, 3d printing can allow for major or minor adjustments to specific and complicated designs. In this case, the electronics are essentially woven into the production of the object and can preform perfectly after production. This may be a key into smaller and smaller scaled product designs that might allow for more things like a more complex microchip or maybe 3D printed skin that can act as replacement for the skin (just an idea).

To Ami Amegan:
I think right now, we can see that there are many problems that can occur for human workers from the development of automated technology, but something that we don't see is what technology can benefit. I was watching a video about the future of robotization applied modern jobs and how it can actually save lives. One example is an automated doctor that will allow for a more accurate diagnosis of diseases and to prescribe the proper medication that doesn't interfere with other types of medication that may potentially pose as deadly. Yes I agree that it will make human lives more complicated, but it also makes our lives easier. I agree with Liang about the two sided argument and that this is another thing that we must adapt to. I don't think that the advancement of technology will stop or slow. Advancement of robotics is inevitable. It is something that we have learned to rely on. I don't think "Laziness" will increase within the human race, but will actually decrease as technology pose as a challenge for humans to become better than robots and will push us as a race to accomplish greater things and discovering more complex topics. Another thing I think will happen will be the harmonic advancement of humanity and technology together into something greater that we don't yet understand or see.

To Anthony Yau:
I don't think robots are perfect, but they are definitely on the track to becoming better than us. Robots are more efficient and require less resources then humans and would naturally be a better option in terms of accomplishing a task. Humans get tired and need extra resources like food and sleep that can jeopardize the quality of the product. I think this might be a good thing. Although we are replacing people from their jobs, it's more effective when people's lives are on the line.

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