Sunday, January 18, 2015

Post_#2 - BIM Handbook CH_6

The term BIM stands for building information modeling, it is a process which involves generation and management of digital representations of physical and functional characteristics of a place. The BIM files can also be exchanged or networked to conveniently server the design team members when making the important group decision. Nowadays, BIM is becoming a very popular structure design method and  a increasing number of architectural design team introduced BIM to their design project. From this week's reading, I got a better understand of how BIM serves the contractors as advanced tools.

BIM have a series of software tools to help with the contractors in many phases and aim to save time and money, planning and reducing errors of a certain construction case. however, before get into those tools a good understanding of the tendency of nowadays' contractor is necessary. The conventional contractors would stop their responsibility to the structure as soon the construction is completed which limited the many potential values of the contractors' knowledge. Therefore, the advanced contractors nowadays not only taking care the construction works but the afterwards' businesses such as maintain and operate as well.

According to the results of the BIM handbook, the number of small-scaled construction companies is getting increased significantly. 91.6% construction companies due to the reach only contained 1 to 19 works in 2004. Additionally, about 63% of these firms were in type of specialty trade and therefore, in stead of one big contractor, the owners now can hire many subcontractors in different specified filed. On the other hand, by have a relatively small size company, it saved the man-power and many other resources and resulted a much efficient way to work for a building project.

As different subcontractors will involved in one project and work as a team, in order to mange these subcontractors work efficiently, the owner must hire a construction manager (CM) and a design-build firm (DB). The DB organization will assume responsibility for both design and construction. BIM can be very useful in this case by shearing the detailed building information and temporary components with all team members.

However, since a BIM model could provide all the information needs for the contractors, a 3D/BIM model hybrid become a very practical solution in gathering more specific building information. The BIM it self can also be a very beneficial technology to provide the contractors feedbacks on the quantify and cost implication of a design change.

Furthermore, BIM can also be a very practical tool when detecting the potential clashes between each subcontractors. This point is very straight forward, because the subcontractors are from different companies and have their very own concentration in the project, therefore the inspection of the potential clashes of the them is very necessary. BIM base clash detection tools allowed the subtractors check the clashes beyond their specified filed such that a mechanical subcontractors could check if they have any conflict with the pumping works. In order to do the detection, a accurate detailed building is very crucial. The clash detection feature can be found in all major BIM design tools.

Finally, the chapter 6 of the BIM handbook also talked about the cooperation between BIM and lean construction which is a combination of operational research practical development in design and construction with an adaption of lean manufacturing principles and practices to the end-to-end design and construction process. As the book mentioned, Sacks et al has identified 56 explicit interactions between BIM and lean and 52 of them were good ones and can be used in the construction activities.


Eastman, C. M. (2011). BIM Handbook: A Guide to Building Information Modeling for Owners, Managers, Designers, Engineers and Contractors. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley

Lean construction:

Reply for the group members:

1.For Alex Nunes: I really like how you indicated how BIM benefit the Owners and mangers because they are two very important aspects in the construction process. However, the chapter is about the contractors and how they could benefit from BIM, as we are going to be part of the contractors in the future, the chapter have told us what BIM tools such as clash detection, BIM detailed building modeling we could use as a advantage in the construction phase. Furthermore, you could also put some reached data on and make your post more persuasive. All in all, good work for you!
2. For Liang Jinhao: You did cited the figure from the resource which it better then your first post and you also mentioned what benefits that contractors could get by using the BIM process. Additionally, you introduced the 4D model technology which is a new way of the design and construction process. However, I think the chapter mentioned more then that, the clash detection and how nowadays contractors satiation are also the important aspects in this chapter, be sure to check that later. Good work!

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