Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Week 10: B7 - Course Reflection

Course Reflection

Throughout these past 10 weeks I have learned a great deal about Intelligent Buildings.  What surprised me the most was the amount of technology being used in today's society in the advancement of building technology and construction.  This technology is slowly making a name for itself and will, without a doubt, be incorporated into projects that we as Drexel Engineers will work on in our future professions.

Overall, I really enjoyed the course.  I found it very interesting to learn about the different "Intelligent" technologies.  I also liked that we were given the opportunity to delve into some of these technologies through our exploration of Revit, Access and through our various blog posts.  Furthermore, the term project was a great outlet for us to research an intelligent building topic that interested us.   Getting to research 3D Printing of building materials was an awesome experience and it opened my eyes to the possibilities of the future of engineering.  I'll be interested to see how long it takes 3D printing of concrete to become a more prominent form of construction in the future.

From drones, to sensors, to 3D printing technologies, the mean's of making a structure "Intelligent" are quickly taking the world by storm.  I look forward to seeing what the future holds for this type of technology, and furthermore getting to work with this type of technology.  I really hope that where ever I end of professionally, that I will get to work with some of these ideas, and maybe even get to enhance something like this in the future.

Jonathan Plotkin: 
I agree with what you have stated here.  The fact that Professor Mitchell made each week different and interesting was a plus than just sitting in your typical class learning the same topic from week to week.  It was also interesting to see, as you mentioned, about different majors coming together.  We definitely had a wide variety of people in our class, whether it be from different disciplines to different levels of potential degrees.  A class like this is helpful because it allows everyone to learn from everyone, regardless of level of education.

Taylor Castonguay:
I like that you described your honest opinions about the class.  I also like that you tied in your personal co-op experiences to what we were talking about in class.   I agree when you say that you fear forgetting Revit in the future when not using it on a daily basis.  I've been in that position and it is not fun to get back into when the time comes for it.  I wish Drexel had more classes that incorporated use of BIM technology that way we can keep up our skills that we learn while out on co-op.  It is nice to see how driven you are with what you plan to do in the future and it is clear that you got a lot out of this course.

Hope Lewis:
Previously, like I mentioned to Taylor, I like that you were honest with your reflection.  I agree that the guest speakers were very helpful in conveying the true message of the course.  All of them were very interesting and engaging, where as many other presentations I have had to watch in college have become boring at parts!  I think its awesome that we as engineers are getting to "Scan" buildings today because it allows us to pick up on details that can be missed with traditional surveying.

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