Tuesday, March 10, 2015

B7 - Blog Post Week 10 - Course Reflection, Mikaela Price

I decided to take this class originally as a requirement for my Digital Building Concentration.  When I decided to drop the concentration I figured this class would be interesting since I do have an interest in BIM.  Since this course was titled "Intelligent Buildings" and its description was, "An overview of the present and future role of Information Technology in the construction industry with emphasis on the computer tools used throughout the building life cycle by all stakeholders, primarily Building Information Modeling (BIM) and the role of networked-linked sensors and actuators" I there would be more technical aspects compared to conceptual.  Though it was a primarily conceptual class, I feel like a learned a lot about intelligent structures/buildings and was able to see it in a broader perspective.  

Prior to taking this class, I thought that the only profession I was interested in was to become a mechanical designer and an AE firm or consulting firm.  After learning about BIM and hearing from Kayleigh about her experience as a BIM coordinator, I considered this as a profession as well as a mechanical designer.  Even if I decide to only stick with being a mechanical designer, the knowledge from this class will help in the workplace, especially if the firm does not have a BIM coordinator.  I look forward to using what I've leaned in this class in the future.

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