Monday, March 9, 2015

B7 - Conclusion - Castonguay

Reflect on course and its effect on your profession and your future:

I think this has been one of the most interesting classes I have taken at Drexel thus far. My favorite parts of class had to be when we worked with BIM. I am an Architectural engineering major with an HVAC concentration, so working with BIM will be very important  for my future. In both of my previous co-ops, I worked with Revit. In school, I don't get to work with Revit much and it makes me feel like I am going to forget it. I love how this class allowed me to jump back on the bandwagon and even inspired me to use Revit more for my other classes. Revit is going to be so important for my future and I value what I learned in class. I also liked when Kayleigh Houde came to speak to us because she is someone that I look up to. She completed the senior design competition and graduated a few years ago and is so successful and I hope to go be as successful as her just a few years after graduating. I am happy that I got to speak with her and now have her as a contact if I have any questions about my resume or jobs in the future.

When I first saw that we would be learning about robots and artificial intelligence, I was turned off. But after learning about their integration with buildings, I am so happy I learned about them. As technology quickly becomes more advanced, it is clear that artificial intelligence and robots have the ability to seep into the building industry. As Professor Mitchell reminded us and what I will never forget, is to always stay open to new ideas and practices. As time changes, the ways the building industry does things will change. If you aren't open to new ideas, you will fall behind. While at co-op, I began to see this where a lot of the older people refused to learn Revit and stuck to AutoCAD while younger people stood out being knowledgeable in Revit and other BIM programs. I never want to be close-minded to the new things technology will bring into my profession. 

The 3D printing of buildings is just one example of how technology will change the building industry. When we began to learn about it in class, I was intrigued and ended up writing about it for my final project. I learned that entire buildings are already being 3D printed, so I have no doubt that I will see this one day in the industry of my profession. 

Overall, I am extremely pleased with the way that this class has turned out and I thank Professor Mitchell for being a great teacher and always trying to get us thinking. Ami Amegan, I completely agree that Drexel can be very frustrating but things like co-op and the knowledge of Professor Mitchell make it worth it. It is so important for us to have teachers that are knowledgable and truly care like he does. Abdulghani Albaloushi, I thought it was interesting that the database part of the class was your favorite because it was my least favorite. I guess I forget that everyone likes different things and that must be why Professor Mitchell makes the class so diverse. Catherine Stephens, I think that it is awesome that you have such a specific goal to become a cruise ship designer. I think that learning a lot about BIM in this class will definitely help you with that!

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