Tuesday, February 3, 2015

B4 - Week 5 Blog Post - Group B, Price

Intelligent vs. Green Buildings

For our project, we decided to do a comparison between intelligent and green buildings and whether or not it needs to fall into one category to be in the other.  This topic was chosen because both my partner and I found it very interesting and it really requires you to look in depth at the actual meaning of green and intelligent buildings.  The green building process puts its focus into making the project sustainable and not creating a large carbon footprint.  The intelligent building process is mostly focused on being efficient in the early design stages.  This can also be incorporated into the green building early stages, where they seem to differ is the end product.  While green building has an end product that is sustainable, intelligent building is more open ended and can just be very efficient for a certain set of tasks.  Most of the time these tasks incorporate being green and LEED certification but are not limited to a “green” end product and is much more open ended.  Some challenges that will be presented throughout this research is trying not to be very vague or broad about the subject matter.  Research will be conducted in order to find projects that employ intelligent building technologies, but do not in conventional “green” ways such as sensors for lighting/hvac controls.  The overall product of each procedure will be discussed, focusing on the benefits of applying both intelligent and green building processes.  Potentially we could look into two different buildings and see how they differ and/or are similar with one another.  


To Dmitry - I like the idea of using this class to assist your team in your senior design project.  Not only will it make your project stand out when you present it in the end, but it will also allow you to explore the programs and add it to your skill-set in the future.

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