Tuesday, February 10, 2015

B5 - Databases in Construction Firms - Angelina Castro

The use of databases is a relatively new technology that has only begun to develop around the 1960s. The use of databases in construction firms has become a very useful tools for contractors, cost estimators, and project managers. When dealing with construction firms the types of databases that can be used have a wide range of categories. A few of these types of databases are cost databases, material databases, or structural databases.

 The type of database that I will discuss in this blog post that is used within construction firms is a cost database. This type of database is used for cost estimating information for construction projects and bids. Cost estimation via a computerized database is a technology that is changing the current method of cost estimation which has been done with a reference book like RS Means. This new form of cost estimation is advantageous for construction firms because it makes cost estimation a quicker and simpler process. In addition, the all the unit prices listed within the database can be easily updated and changed via the internet rather than having to buy new editions of the reference books which can be costly for a firm to do. Another thing cost databases can be used for a construction firm is how in depth the cost estimation that is desired to be determined using the cost database. From something as simple as the type of material and its unit price per square foot can be estimated based on the construction project. To more detailed estimations like the production rate, material price, labor costs, taxes and resources necessary for construction can all be included in the cost estimation. Lastly as opposed to the traditional method, a cost database software can adjust all these values listed above to take into account factors like local taxes, availability of materials, currency conversions, and even insurance rates, and overhead factors.

Even though I have only described one type of database, it is still evident that the use of databases in construction has been a positive addition to aid in the many responsibilities of construction firms.



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