Friday, February 6, 2015

B5: Week 6 - Group B, Lee

Topic : Database - What is SQL and why is it important

SQL stands for the Structured Query Language and it is essentially the international standard language created to manage communication between databases. Through SQL, one can access, create, add, retrieve or modify data from a database. Because of increasing quantity and variety of databases around the world, ranging in their languages and categories, it is crucial to provide an appropriate means of controlling databases. There are three major components of SQL: the Data Manipulation Language (DML), the Data Definition Language (DDL), and the Data Control Language (DCL). The DML includes the most commonly used commands that "manipulate the contents of a database in some form." A few examples of the DML commands are SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE and DELETE. These commands are used to obtain, add, modify and remove data from a database, respectively. The DDL commands "modify the actual structure of a database." A few examples of DDL commands are CREATE TABLE, ALTER TABLE, and DROP TABLE. These commands generate a new database table, modify the current table, or delete a table, respectively. Lastly, the DCL is used to "manage user access to databases." Two commands of the DCL are GRANT and REVOKE, which give permission to a user and reclaim permission from a user, respectively. 

It is important to learn and study what SQL is what SQL is capable of so that we can understand how databases can be manipulated. SQL is certainly a powerful tool for us to take advantage of, especially in the era where the quantity and growth of databases can be overwhelming. Moreover, despite SQL being a universal standard language, not all databases incorporate SQL the same way. There are variances among them and that is why SQL is flexible enough to accommodate them. 

Because I have no knowledge regarding database, I did not understand what SQL does; however, more I research and read about SQL, I understand how it is being used everywhere. Simple online searches I do involve databases and that definitely requires the use of SQL. Furthermore, once I understood the functions of SQL, I understood the article written by Sotnikov. Differentiating SQL and NoSQL, the author discussed the pros and cons of using NoSQL compared to that of SQL. I hope to learn more about database and SQL in general so that I will understand the current news regarding this and how the technology is developing in regards to these database related systems. 


Chapman, Daniel R. "What Is SQL and Why It Is Important?" About Tech. SparkNet, n.d. Web. 6 Feb. 2015. <>.

Chapple, Mike. "What Is SQL? Introduction to the Structured Query Language." About Tech., n.d. Web. 06 Feb. 2015. <>.
Sotnikov, Dmitry. "Don't Write Off Relational Databases For Big Data Just Yet." Readwrite. Wearable World Inc., 21 Jan. 2013. Web. 06 Feb. 2015. <>.

Zilong Juno Xiao
Zilong explained what the relational database is. The figures and tables showed its function and how it is useful in the database world. I see the importance in having the relation between databases since it is clear that the world is accumulating more data as time passes, and it will be critical to find a relevant information from such large pile of information. Therefore, having relational database that helps us locate and add data within the similar topics is significant in our study of database. 

Justin Hileman
Justin brought up the use of databases in construction firms. Although I have worked at a construction firm, I never thought of, or realized, how much databases are stressed and used in the industry of architecture and engineering. Using databases to produce the estimation costs is a very practical application that Justin mentioned. 

Jiaao Wu
There are many uses of database and to me, HVAC application interests me as Jiaao addressed. I also thought like Jiaao at first, where database seemed to be only in the context of computer science. However, more I look into the significance and use of database, I understand the comprehensive use of database in this world of technology. 

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