Tuesday, February 3, 2015

B4 - Project Description - Angelina Castro

For this class my term project will be a group project that will integrate the use of BIM into a senior design project. The main senior design project is the design of a autism community center for the organization Jaden's Voice. The building is to be located at the corner of Union Street and Haverford Avenue. For AE 510 we will attempt to create a BIM model of the building encompassing many aspects of the building like building envelope design, HVAC systems, the structural system, architectural design, and a 4D construction time line. I chose this project because although it is not my personal senior design project, I feel as if this would be great learning experience for me to use BIM programs like Revit in a more in depth manner. In addition, this is great opportunity to possibly help with the design of a building that could possibly help benefit those who live with autism. Tee current plan is to have most of the BIM making to be done on Revit, the main systems being the architectural, mechanical, and architectural systems. The Revit model should include things like slab thickness, circulation paths, square footages, beam sizing, column spacing, duct sizing, mechanical equipment placing, etc. We also want to challenge ourselves a little more and try to use any additional Autodesk programs available on the CAD lab computers to create an energy efficiency model and the 4D construction timeline simulation. All the work is currently divided among the total 4 members.

Challenges that we might encounter with this project are time constraints given that we only have 8-9 weeks to complete this task and we have indeed put a good amount of work on our plates. Getting well acquainted with new programs can sometimes take a long time. However there is already an almost complete architectural design created of the building in Revit and this will aid greatly for the design of the other systems which we will be designing in Revit and using other Autodesk programs.


Lee: For his project Lee is a beginner to Revit and wants to learn how to use the program. He mentioned that he has prior experience with HVAC systems in AutoCAD. However I was a little unsure what the actual scope of work his project will encompass. If it is to design an HVAC system in a Revit, I think that would be a great thing to learn how to do and would be advantageous to know as well.

Siversten & Lavigne: I find your project both ambitious and really interesting. I have little to no knowledge on how databases work but the creation of databases for things like steel beam sizing is something that could really help engineers in the design process. Being able to cross check the type of steel to the many factors you have listed in your post would help to ensure that the right stype of steel is chosen for the scope and location of the project.

Knittel: I think your topic on the Bullitt Center seems really cool. After reading your description of the building I had to look up the building and it is really architecturally innovative. I find it kind of unfortunate that buildings these days are not normally designed for an expected life of 250 years. I understand that money will always be a factor in how green or innovative a building might be but making steps towards longer life expectancy for buildings would benefit the environment and maintenance costs.

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