Tuesday, February 10, 2015

B5 - Uses of databases in design offices

Topic: Uses of databases in design offices

Nowadays, most engineers are using computer to complete their design work. For example, we use AutoCAD, Revit, Google SketchUp and other software to complete projects. Those software are convenient for people to use because they contain many existing models, which are created by using database. Also, properties such as material and geometries have been attached to the existing models. In this case, as long as we select the model we are going to apply to the project, we don't have to worry about inputting their properties. Therefore, as we can see, database is extremely important to those design software. It is the central element that makes those software adequate for our purpose of uses. Without database, design work will be much more difficult to be completed.

Besides generating useful blocks, database is able to help engineers analyze complicated situation. Database-Assisted Design (DAD) is one of those kinds. According to Simiu, DAD is an integrated methodology does not just calculate wind loadings, but rather performs the automatic calculation of internal forces and demand-to-capacity indexes, and the detailed verification of the adequacy of the structural design. DAD allows the estimation of wind effects with specified mean recurrence intervals by accounting for the directional properties of (a) extreme wind speed and (b) the building aerodynamics. When we are doing hand calculation, we always assume that the wind loads are horizontally applied to a building's wall. However, the realistic situations are much more complicated because air density changes with wind speed and the wind load may act differently due to turbulence, therefore it is almost impossible for us to finish the calculation by hand. Even we try to solve the problem by ourselves, the error could be significant. By applying DAD, we are able to calculate the wind load much more accurately. Thus we can do a better job on structural design.

As we have discussed in B1, data can be provided by sensors within an intelligent building. The integrated data generates a database. By analyzing the database, engineers are able to evaluate a building’s situation. Also, they are able to adjust their current design after analyzing the responded data.

In conclusion, database is important for design office. First of all it is the fundamental element for generating model. Without database, designing software will become less convenient for people to use. Secondly, database helps engineer complete complicated calculation. By finishing those calculations, engineer can do better job on their design. Finally, database from sensors helps engineer analyze existing buildings and adjust current and future design.

Simiu, E.. “Database-Assisted Design: Why and How?”. ASCE Libary. <http://ascelibrary.org/doi/pdf/10.1061/41170%28400%2976> (Feb 10, 2015)

Rigato, A., Chang, P. and Simiu, E.. “Database-Assisted Design, Standardization, and Wind Direction Effects”. ASCE Library. <http://ascelibrary.org/doi/pdf/10.1061/%28ASCE%290733-9445%282001%29127%3A8%28855%29> (Feb 10, 2015)

Comment to Mark
I agree that using database is beneficial because they are able to assign properties to models. This really helps integrate elements of a project.

Comment to Abulghani
I don’t have much experience about Microsoft Access either. I agree that Excel is adequate for creating a database. Actually Excel is a powerful tool for that as long as use is properly.

Comment to Jonathan
My only co-op experience was at American Water.  Similarly, they have a huge database which records their day-to-day operation. Instead of using Access, they were using Excel. I was able to see how they analyze their utility plans by analyzing the data from the sensors.

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