Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Blog Post B5 - Object Oriented Databases

An object oriented database stores objects rather than data as a relational database. The main difference between an ‘object’ and ‘data’ is that data can be described as an integer, string, or real number, but an object is more complex, such as code or attributes. An object oriented database cannot be stored in a two dimensional table with rows and columns as a relational database can.
The biggest advantage to an object database is that it doesn’t require assembly or disassembly to be able to access the database, which saves time as a relational database requires coding and execution time. Also, object oriented databases are easier to navigate and require less code when the applications are objected oriented. However, as these databases are better geared towards complex sets of data, they are less efficient for simple sets of data. In addition, the database may be slower when accessed in an object-oriented database as opposed to a relational database.
Object-oriented databases work best with CAS applications such as CAD programs, multimedia applications, projects that change over time, and for commerce—basically, any sets of data that are more complex than simple numbers, integers, or strings. This would have a good application in BIM where the information contained in the model that would have to be stored in the database has more information than numbers.
Ami Amegan: You have a very exhaustive list of the advantages and disadvantages of object-oriented databases!
Anthony Yau: Good job giving examples of the differences between a relational database and an object-oriented database. It was a bit confusing to me as I was doing my research.
"Object Oriented Databases." Object Oriented Databases. N.p., n.d. Web. 10 Feb. 2015.

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