Tuesday, February 10, 2015

B5 - Week 6 - Database Use in Construction Firms

This week's topic was to explore how databases can be used in construction firms such that they improve different aspects of the project. Mainly the benefits are noted in the reduction of construction costs. This is done with the application of computer analysis to the different forms of data compiled about the project. Specifically, in regard to construction, the biggest benefits come from rooting out scheduling conflicts. An example is having materials arrive too early to the jobsite, where they will be in the way, not properly stored and create additional cost if they are damaged before they are installed. Another problem is managing labor and being able to have a unified schedule for when different labor teams should be onsite -- having laborers onsite to do finishing before the spaces are constructed can lead to large wastes of money. Sometimes complex building projects also require simultaneous work of different types to keep the time of construction down -- which also ultimately saves money or can be worth a higher value.
Another area it can make a difference in is aiding in contractor's visualization of what is expected. By linking relevant events to the 3D model, one can create a time-lapse video that will demonstrate how the building construction will progress and how it will look. This can allow for contractors to identify problems that arise from the order in which different elements are to be built. By allowing many different individuals access to this information, including laborers, a greater understanding of the work can be attained as well as a greater level of analysis. Furthermore these systems will also allow for contractors to communicate intelligently with designers and other engineers in real-time instead of requesting a meeting to discuss the issues at length. Now changes or mark-ups can be made on models that are representative of the current progress of construction. These changes can be seen by designers and corresponding engineering teams that can make much more intelligent decisions about the design without the constraint of time and commuting.

Justin Hileman referenced the RSMeans database that is an example of how building information is already being archived into a digital format. This is the first step that must be taken for digital models to be linked to relevant data. It demonstrates how there is not only present use from these databases but also the projected benefits of applying these databases further in a computer assisted manor.

Hamad Al-Sulaiti brought up a good point about how databases have increased greatly in importance to owners of companies and even buildings as they can analyze vast amount of data and find useful patterns that would benefit them. These benefits usually take the form of financial savings and an example would be the collection of relevant internal and external temperatures, lighting, energy usage, etc. that can be combined and processed such that relevant data about how much each system affects another. This can allow for more advantageous operation of systems such that they use less energy and thus generates less cost.

Alex Nunes wrote about how the ability for multiple users can simultaneously access information. This one of the greatest aspects of databases in terms of what capabilities they can provide users. This real-time access of information that can constantly be updated which allows for unprecedented levels of communication with respect to speed and resolution of data. For example, a building model that can be updated and marked by all the different teams responsible for building design and implementation. That capability can allow for extremely precise information to be relayed immediately to different parties such that successful collaboration between physically distant individuals can take place.

B5: Uses of Databases in design firms Derek R Lavigne

Current and Future state of Design Phase Data:

Databases in design firms are currently used for internal business affairs.  Each company has a log of business correspondence, internal notes and memos, accounting receipts, revisions and design details,  and depending on their particular expertise a few other necessary files and folders.  This database is generally separated by project,  then information type, and organized by revision and/or date, in order to keep track of business transactions and work done internally/externally.  This also allows companies to keep their intellectual property organized and records complete for future use.  A small firm will have a database inside their office, while firms with multiple branches tend to store the information via the company's intranet that has data stores in the main branch.

This internal data storage/hoarding is made in place to protect and log companies intellectual property, however with the nature of the building industry and the need to share and access information between different disciplines in the design phase (Arch, AE, CIVE, MEP, CM), i can see the market for a transition to a cloud based system (run by the owner) to share store and monitor all of this data in one location.  The emergence of BIM has began to force more interaction between all phases of design, and the data associated with BIM, requires larger files, with more information, and sending these files through traditional methods (ie Email or Flash Drive) are difficult and time consuming.  If a cloud based system were in place, firms could not only avoid upgrades to their database systems (because of rapid technological growth), but save money and share data more freely.  This would not only save firms money and time, but with more free flowing it may actually spur more innovation throughout the entire sector.




To Ilana Ritvalsky:  Thank you for posting the Relational Database theory, those points are very useful to me personally, on how to design a more logical data store.

To Justin Hileman:  I understand how data could be useful for estimating project cost for construction firms, are there anymore useful places data can be used and stored? Are construction companies doing anything to control that data or are things mostly documented on paper and scanned as a pdf in those databases?

To Hope Lewis:  I wasn't aware that database storage was in any other form than 2d Column/Row data sets.  This information was extremely useful to me. Thanks!

B5- Group B: Papadourakis (SQL)

What is SQL & why is it important?

SQL was developed in the early 1970’s by two computer scientists named Donald Chamberlin and Raymond Boyce. Today it is known as the standard language for relational data query, and can be used to manage data held in relational database management systems. One of the most popular database systems that uses SQL is Oracle.

The acronym SQL stands for “Structured Query Language.”  People use SQL to update and retrieve data on a database through a series of commands. Simple functions allow users to be able to insert, select, and track elements. In a code using SQL one will see ample use of features such as operators and conditional statements.

One of the topics covered in this course was the concept of interoperability. Although the uses for SQL have grown since it became a standard programming language in 1986, it still lacks portability and needs to be adjusted when you switch database systems. This is due to the existence of proprietary applications that are unique to different databases.

SQL is incredibly important because it is the international standard for data manipulation. Without it accessing information in large databases would be both more difficult and tedious.

Beal, Vangie. "SQL - Structured Query Language." What Is Structured Query Language (SQL)? Webopedia, n.d. Web. 10 Feb. 2015.

Rouse, Margaret. "SQL (Structured Query Language)." What Is ? TechType, 2015. Web. 10 Feb. 2015.

"What Is SQL?" SQLCourse. ITBusinessEdge, 2015. Web. 10 Feb. 2015.


Mikaela Price: I like that you brought up the notion that SQL is “antiquated.” I mention interoperability in my post and it goes right in hand with the large tables you reference that make the code difficult to transport between systems.

Dmitriy Voznyak: Good call taking the time to explain the four types of database management systems. After doing research on SQL I was familiar with the names but not of their different uses. Your post helped clarify.

Young Kwang Lee: You mentioned that even by using a search engine you are inadvertently using SQL. I was thinking the same thing when I was using “and” and “or” functions while searching the library catalog for articles on SQL.

B5 - Relational Database Theory - Group A, Ilana Ritvalsky

Despite being exposed to databases on a regular basis, I've never taken the time to consider the various components, code languages and organization methods that make up a database. Relational Database Theory is one such method of organizing information in a database. This method arranges data into tables (also known as relations) consisting of rows and columns (Wikipedia). Each column contains "attributes" for an entity while rows contain the values associated with each piece of data. These are called records or tuples. 

The term relational database refers back to E.F. Codd's relational model of data, which was first discussed in an IBM research report from 1969. Another key article in the development of this theory is "A Relational Model of Data for Large Shared Data Banks", published by Communications of the ACM (Bostrup). As part of his writing, Codd created a list of 12 rules (Bostrup) which form the foundation for RDT. These include:

  1. All information in the database must be represented ONLY as values in a table
  2. Each data point/value will be logically accessible via a combination of "table name, primary key value and column name".
  3. Null values are allowed for the purpose of representing missing information in a "systematic way"
  4. The database description is represented in the same way as all other data so that the same relational language can be used throughout the database
  5. A relational system may contain several languages. "However, there must be at least one language whose statements are expressible, per some well-defined syntax, as character strings and whose ability to support all of the following is comprehensible: data definition, view definition, data manipulation (interactive and by program), integrity constraints, authorization and transaction boundaries (begin, commit, and rollback)". 
  6. "All views that are theoretically updateable are also updateable by the system."
  7. Manipulating a "base relation or a derived relation as a single operand" applies to data retrieval, insertion, update and deletion.
  8. The database features physical data independence which means that application programs and individual activities remain "logical" even when changes are made in storage representation or methods of data access.
  9. The database also features logical data independence, which is similar to rule number 8
  10. There is also a sense of integrity independence which means that integrity constraints must be "definable in the relational data sublanguage and storable in the catalog, not in the application programs".
  11. Distribution independence is also important so that "the data manipulation sublanguage of a relational DBMS [can permit] application programs and terminal activities to remain logically unimpaired whether and whenever data are physically centralized or distributed".
  12. Even if the system does allow a lower level language to be used, it must not interfere with the higher level relational language that ultimately governs the database.

These rules are all intended to create a much simpler, more consistent and more logical means of storing data. Prior to the invention of this method, databases were usually organized in a hierarchical manner, which has been proven to be more complex than Codd's method.

Bostrup, Tore. "Introduction to Relational Databases - Part 1: Theoretical Foundation" 2008.



To J Schwakoff: Your description was so helpful! All of the information I found online seemed so difficult to understand but your explanation of the table really simplified the concept for me. 

To Justin Hileman: I love how you were able to use an example that we're all familiar with - RSMeans. I've used it a lot in my classes and I'd be interested to learn about other applications of databases in the construction field that I'm not familiar with. 

To Jiaao Wu: I appreciated how you associated databases with several different building systems. I really appreciated the connection you made between databases and our AE 390 design project. It was nice to see a non-conventional use of a database since that application required more than just a listing of system components and involved both the designer and the project owner. 

B5 - Object Oriented Database - Husain Ibrahaim

What is it? And how it works?
Well, after searching and asking to get a simplest definition of “object oriented databases” I can say that it is a database that has the ability to take “inputs” and reflect them into “outputs”, all of which dealing with specified objects, and following specific “methods”. A programmable language designs this database. The data restored on the database have the form of “objects”. And how it works is that we have objects stored on the database that reference the ability to develop a product, which can be saved and stored again as a new assembled object. This new object can be recalled later easily without reassembling it again.
Relation to “relational databases”:
            OODB differs than the relational database by the following. Relational database deals with tables filled with integers, character strings and simple text facts; whereas OODB designed to work with images, videos and 3d objects. In addition, RDB organizes data in tables that are already installed and stored, while OODB has the ability to develop new products based on the stored objects and data. However, RDB is easy to use for non-specialized users and can be programed by non-expert users; whereas OODB requires special kind of programming language and a little bit not user friendly.
Is it the best database?
            To answer this question properly, we need to know the purpose of the desired database. For example, if we want a database for an eLibrary, then the best choice here is relational database since it is very easy to use and to design and we don’t need to store complex objects in the database. However, in BIM world, object oriented database is much better than relational database. The reason behind this is that we are going to be dealing with objects and these objects are to be modified and retrofitted then defining new objects based on the reference objects we have. Also, we can recall the objects created at anytime easily without creating them again.
I like your point of interest where you are addressing the advantages of object oriented database and also saying that it is not beneficial or efficient to have this kind of database for a simple set of data. Also, I agree with you pointing out that OODB works best for CAS and products that change over time, since relational database doesn’t have the ability to edit the data stored, whereas OODB is more flexible.
It is very interesting that you mentioned the hybridize both relational and object oriented databases to get the most efficient and beneficial database type. However, I didn’t get how OODB doesn’t have the ability to adapt changes in variables; and I do agree that the reliance of OODB on a single programming language is a disadvantage.
I liked the idea of how databases can aid the contractors in construction fields by using databases with advanced time-lapse video technology built in the database; I assume that this kind of database is the OODB. It is really great to have that kind of aiding tool to help contactors, designers and engineers to communicate, comment and adjust what is needed on the building at the same time.

B5 - Group D Jiaao Wu

Use of database in design offices

       When we talk about database, the first field we will think about is the database in the computer science. However, as I have discussed in the first blog pose, database becomes more and more important in an intelligent building. This week’s blog I will discuss the use of database in design offices.

        In architectural design, as the BIM model project we have finished, anything in a BIM software will need the help of database, such as the schedule which we can generate quickly in Revit. Whenever you have decided the material to be used, the database will already attach any related information with the material. This database could provide a great help for architectural designers. They can check the dimensions or any other properties of the material which has been used in the project. In addition, the schedule could also give designers a very close cost estimation based on the material has been used, since the project budget is always one of the biggest concern.

        In structural design, the database will provide more information concerned with the safety of the structure. For example, when the design company is going to design a building structure in a place where they have not designed before, they have to take advantage of database to get the weather conditions such as precipitation and wind speed. Both of two elements will have a great influence in structural design.

        In HVAC design, it reminds me one of the project we have done in AE 390. For that project, it asked us to provide a matrix when the user input the location and the size of the building, the output should be the suitable HVAC system for that specific building. I think this project is implementing database for an HVAC selection. When user picks up the location, the selection system will automatically get the information of that place. After some designed algorithm as well as the picked size of the building, the system will come out the best HVAC system. This is exactly how database will work in HVAC design or selection.


To Yanzhao: I agree that database is important for design offices. And actually, anything related with computers nowadays cannot work without database. For design offices, with the help of database, it can reduce a lot of time and improve the efficiency.

To Jonathan: It is good to see that Jonathan has combined his own experience with database used in offices. The database appears anywhere as he described of common blocks, title blocks, and project folder creation. It reminds my co-op experience that the company will have a specific folder for that title blocks.

To Santiago: Santiago also mentioned the databases used in BIM software. Nowadays, almost every design firm has used BIM software to some extent, which means they are taking the advantages of the databases in BIM software. And database would be a basic element for intelligent building design.


Simiu, E. "Database-Assisted Design: Why and how?" Reston, VA: ASCEProceedings of the First International Symposium on Uncertainty Modeling and Analysis and Management (ICVRAM 2011), and the Fifth International Symposium on Uncertainty Modeling and Anaylsis (ISUMA); Hyattsville, Maryland, April (TRUNCATED) (04, 2011): 626-632. doi:http://dx.doi.org/10.1061/41170(400)76. http://search.proquest.com/docview/1315639933?accountid=10559

Reijula, Jori, Rauno Holopainen, Erkki Kähkönen, Kari Reijula, and Iris D. Tommelein. "Intelligent HVAC Systems in Hospitals."Intelligent Buildings International 5, no. 2 (04, 2013): 101-119. http://search.proquest.com/docview/1500674036?accountid=10559.

Blog Post B5 - Object Oriented Databases

An object oriented database stores objects rather than data as a relational database. The main difference between an ‘object’ and ‘data’ is that data can be described as an integer, string, or real number, but an object is more complex, such as code or attributes. An object oriented database cannot be stored in a two dimensional table with rows and columns as a relational database can.
The biggest advantage to an object database is that it doesn’t require assembly or disassembly to be able to access the database, which saves time as a relational database requires coding and execution time. Also, object oriented databases are easier to navigate and require less code when the applications are objected oriented. However, as these databases are better geared towards complex sets of data, they are less efficient for simple sets of data. In addition, the database may be slower when accessed in an object-oriented database as opposed to a relational database.
Object-oriented databases work best with CAS applications such as CAD programs, multimedia applications, projects that change over time, and for commerce—basically, any sets of data that are more complex than simple numbers, integers, or strings. This would have a good application in BIM where the information contained in the model that would have to be stored in the database has more information than numbers.
Ami Amegan: You have a very exhaustive list of the advantages and disadvantages of object-oriented databases!
Anthony Yau: Good job giving examples of the differences between a relational database and an object-oriented database. It was a bit confusing to me as I was doing my research.
"Object Oriented Databases." Object Oriented Databases. N.p., n.d. Web. 10 Feb. 2015.

B5 - Uses of databases in design offices

Topic: Uses of databases in design offices

Nowadays, most engineers are using computer to complete their design work. For example, we use AutoCAD, Revit, Google SketchUp and other software to complete projects. Those software are convenient for people to use because they contain many existing models, which are created by using database. Also, properties such as material and geometries have been attached to the existing models. In this case, as long as we select the model we are going to apply to the project, we don't have to worry about inputting their properties. Therefore, as we can see, database is extremely important to those design software. It is the central element that makes those software adequate for our purpose of uses. Without database, design work will be much more difficult to be completed.

Besides generating useful blocks, database is able to help engineers analyze complicated situation. Database-Assisted Design (DAD) is one of those kinds. According to Simiu, DAD is an integrated methodology does not just calculate wind loadings, but rather performs the automatic calculation of internal forces and demand-to-capacity indexes, and the detailed verification of the adequacy of the structural design. DAD allows the estimation of wind effects with specified mean recurrence intervals by accounting for the directional properties of (a) extreme wind speed and (b) the building aerodynamics. When we are doing hand calculation, we always assume that the wind loads are horizontally applied to a building's wall. However, the realistic situations are much more complicated because air density changes with wind speed and the wind load may act differently due to turbulence, therefore it is almost impossible for us to finish the calculation by hand. Even we try to solve the problem by ourselves, the error could be significant. By applying DAD, we are able to calculate the wind load much more accurately. Thus we can do a better job on structural design.

As we have discussed in B1, data can be provided by sensors within an intelligent building. The integrated data generates a database. By analyzing the database, engineers are able to evaluate a building’s situation. Also, they are able to adjust their current design after analyzing the responded data.

In conclusion, database is important for design office. First of all it is the fundamental element for generating model. Without database, designing software will become less convenient for people to use. Secondly, database helps engineer complete complicated calculation. By finishing those calculations, engineer can do better job on their design. Finally, database from sensors helps engineer analyze existing buildings and adjust current and future design.

Simiu, E.. “Database-Assisted Design: Why and How?”. ASCE Libary. <http://ascelibrary.org/doi/pdf/10.1061/41170%28400%2976> (Feb 10, 2015)

Rigato, A., Chang, P. and Simiu, E.. “Database-Assisted Design, Standardization, and Wind Direction Effects”. ASCE Library. <http://ascelibrary.org/doi/pdf/10.1061/%28ASCE%290733-9445%282001%29127%3A8%28855%29> (Feb 10, 2015)

Comment to Mark
I agree that using database is beneficial because they are able to assign properties to models. This really helps integrate elements of a project.

Comment to Abulghani
I don’t have much experience about Microsoft Access either. I agree that Excel is adequate for creating a database. Actually Excel is a powerful tool for that as long as use is properly.

Comment to Jonathan
My only co-op experience was at American Water.  Similarly, they have a huge database which records their day-to-day operation. Instead of using Access, they were using Excel. I was able to see how they analyze their utility plans by analyzing the data from the sensors.

B5 - Justin Hileman - Group E

The topic of this week's blog post is "Uses of databases in construction firms".

Currently, databases are used a variety of ways in construction firms. It is believed that there is still so much room for improvement through the use of databases. Technology is steadily advancing and databases are getting more in depth and detailed, allowing construction firms to use them for more tasks and activities.

Databases in construction firms that are being used presently are mainly for cost and scheduling purposes. One of the common databases used for calculating/estimating costs is RSMeans. This database can be used when estimating the price per square foot of a specific type of building/residence. This database is very useful and assumed to be very large. The database uses information and standards for different jobs and shows an average price that can be used to calculate how much your project would cost.

An article titled "Sustainability in the construction industry: A review of recent developments based on LCA" discussed how construction firms use databases for environmental evaluations. LCA stands for life cycle assessment. This topic is important because it analyzes how the construction industry is trying to improve social, economical, and environmental aspects through the use of databases. This is being accomplished through these databases that are analyzing what are environmental concerns and how construction firms can address these issues and improve them. The article discusses such programs as LEED standards, that are used in America.


In response to the post written by Giovana Pelisser, I enjoyed the introduction and background on what a database is. I notice that there is not a lot of discussion on how databases are used in construction firms. You briefly discuss how important they are with the increasing amounts of data and how the systems react with timing, but that's not necessarily all they are useful for. There is a large variety of databases types and it would've been nice to read about those.

In response to the post written by Alex Nunes, raising the question "What is a database?" and then answering the question was an interesting start to the blog post. It caught my attention because I wanted to read how you described a database. Again, the topic of how construction firms use databases was briefly discussed. I appreciate you referencing BIM and how databases are used for that purpose. I agree that companies have their own databases that they use for important information.

In response to the post written by Hang Wang, first of all, the organization of your blog post is great. Having separate subtitles and dividing your post the way you did really helped me read through and understand the different topics you were addressing. The specific examples that were used in the post really kept the interest of the reader and allowed the reader to be able to relate. This was a very good, thorough, post.



"Sustainability in the construction industry: A review of recent developments based on LCA". Ortiz, Oscar; Castellas, Francesc; Sonnemann, Guido. 

Week 6 Group A Blog Post - Relational Database Theory

According to Wikipedia, the definition of Relational Database is “is a digital database whose organization is based on relational model of data, as proposed by E.F. Codd in 1970” [1]. There are many important terms associated with relational database theory. For instance, relational model is a database model “based on first-order predicate logic.” [2] In the model, all data are represented by tuples (rows) and attributes (columns).  A tuple is an ordered list of elements while attribute can be renamed to any characteristic information (ie. Name) and categorizes all the same features.  Here is an example database according to Relational Model:

Figure 1: An example database 

In the relational database, each entity is given with a unique key that can be linked to when used in other table as well. By storing this key into another row in a different table, the information of this entity can be represented and declared in other table. This is particularly helpful when a massive variety of data is stored, the user can still find the data they want by letting the system find the links (aka. relation) between different data. As a result, “data relationships of arbitrary complexity can be represented using this simple set of concepts” as Codd argued. 

The official descriptive definition of this kind of relation is “procedural relational algebra query language or its equivalent declarative relational calculus”. [3] . Below is a demonstration of the expression of relational algebra describing the how this relation works in database:

Figure 2: Example of Relational Algebra 

As society develops, more and more data are being stored in various kinds of database. The invention of relational database is particularly helpful in regards with the pratical need for efficient manipulation of large amounts of structured information. 

[2] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Relational_model

[3] Elements of Relational Database Theory, Paris C. Kanellakis, 1989
